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Web Development – What to Avoid in 2022

The construction of web pages is a service that records leaps and bounds in recent years, with more and more brands investing in the creation of a modern, fast and useful website.

Whether it is a personal blog, in which we present our projects and the services we offer, or an easy-to-use and functional e-shop with dozens of products that can be purchased online, it is certain that there are a number of mistakes – in part of web design – which should be avoided at all costs.

1. Too much or too little content

Content undoubtedly remains the “King” of the internet in 2022, and in order for a website to stand up to the competition it must offer useful information, interesting articles, and generally be enriched with content that the reader will find interesting. This however

what we need to avoid is overloading our page with content or not including enough. In both cases our website will fall behind, as on the one hand it will either confuse our readers and bore them with useless information or on the other hand it will not cover them as it will not even offer the basics.

See also:

The Ultimate Content Marketing Guide for 2022

2. Photos without moderation

The golden rule of the right measure is not only limited to the content but also to the photos that accompany it. A website that is full of photos is very likely to confuse the readers and there is a risk that it will not load quickly and they will abandon it. Subsequently, the many photos are confusing and it is just as likely that the reader will not be able to find the information they are looking for and will get lost. The same applies if we do not include a sufficient number of photos on our website. It automatically becomes “poorer” and tiresome. That is why it is more than imperative to choose the construction of a website that will have exactly as many photos as we need, to make our content attractive without tiring or confusing.

3. Slow website

In the era we live in, for a website to be attractive and competitive, it is not enough just to have rich content, but also to be fast. Internet users have a tendency to abandon a website that is slow to “load” and go immediately to another website, which is faster. If we want our website to remain functional and easy to use in 2022

we need to make sure that it is fast and that its content is displayed within a few seconds. Therefore, avoid building a slow website, and if you already have a website, ensure that within 2022 you upgrade it and make it faster and more attractive.

See also:

Improve site speed with these 8 tips. See how

4. Dysfunctional navigation

Dysfunctional navigation is another thing to avoid, making sure your web design is easy to use and attractive. Avoid building a website with dozens of categories and subcategories, and if you must, make sure your menu is easy to use and practical. Then organize all the information on your website so that visitors can easily find what they are looking for without having to spend hours searching for a simple button, a basic service of yours or simply the contact email.

Our company has a lot of experiencein the field of web design and eshop with WordPress and we have in our portfolio a huge number of successful installations in sites and eshops with reputable companies. So we are able to provide you with reliable, guaranteed solutions in the best way.

So come with us to offer you comprehensive services on Website Promotion, Website Design & Eshop construction, Digital Marketing (SEO, Social Media Marketing, E-mail marketing). In other words, everything you need to take advantage of the new age of the Internet in a professional way. Our headquarters are in Thessaloniki but we can serve you anywhere in Greece.

See also some useful articles:

How much does an eshop cost? Detailed cost information

Creating an eshop what is needed for 2022

Construction eshop Thessaloniki – 10 truths


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